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Le Nguyen The Dat

~ Data Science & Engineering

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That’s it, I’ve had enough. Blogging with Blogger is simply inefficient and annoying as hell. I’m glad I made this decision. Below are the steps that I’ve taken:

Step 1: setup your own github.io page

Simply create a new repository named your_github_id.github.io, instructions here.

To get your own domain, register one and follow these steps to configure your CNAME dns.

Step 2 (optional): migration

Export your blogger posts, instructions here.

Import it with jekyll import for blogger.

Now you should have a “_posts” folder containing all your jekyll-ready posts.

Step 3: chose a theme

They are all here.

So far, hyde and minimal-mistakes work best for me.

Simply clone any of them and copy all the files and folders over to your github.io repository. Follow the instructions from the theme you chose.

Step 4: install jekyll and start blogging

Instructions here.

  • Install Ruby.
  • Install Bundler: gem install bundler.
  • Install Jekyll: bundle install.

Build and serve the pages internally: bundle exec jekyll serve.