Choosing the right tools and workflows that fit well with your team is a critical task but oftentimes get overlooked. This article demonstrates our approach in order to improve engineering efficiency for the data team at honestbee. Within this regard, we hope it can help you improve your team workflow or set it up from scratch.
Do note that how the workflows actually look like isn’t that important, what more important is to have something that actually works for you, as well as to be transparent within the organization.
Atlassian Confluence
Confluence is the first tool that we chose to have, and arguably the most important step when setting up a new team.
We decided very early on that it will be used as the one and only platform for organizing all of our documentations, from team managements, data infrastructure designs, dashboards, internal company logics, meeting notes, guides, project documentations, and so on.
Confluence pages are also created for quickly on-boarding new members, as well as communicating within the organization effectively.
Atlassian JIRA
We started off using a standard JIRA engineering workflow scheme and JIRA team setup, but quickly simplify ours as much as we can, so that it will be easily understandable and followed.
As such, there are only 3 types of issues we used:
- Bugs (technical task that is directly related to a known bug or error from the current system)
- Stories (technical task that has a relatively short timespan of less than a week. If the story created might last longer than a week, it is required to be broken down into smaller stories that can be linked together)
- Epics (group of stories that form a single business idea, product feature or simply a significant larger task that consist of stories)
We also have internal rules, such as:
- All Bugs and Stories need to tie to one and only one Epic
- All Bugs and Stories need to be assigned to a person
- All Epics will need to be communicated to senior managers and stakeholders before creation to ensure commitment from both side
Our workflow:
- Everything starts at Inbox (a.k.a backlog)
- Anything from Inbox can be progressed further to Ready For Dev, In Progress, Review, and Done
- Anything from Inbox can also be moved to Cancelled if it is not relevant, rejected, or not needed anymore
Kanban Board simply reflects the workflow above, where everyone can have a bird-view on how all the tickets are progressing. The engineers and project managers will take responsibility for updating the tickets accordingly.
Labels are used to indicate the progress of any Pull Request.
Every Pull Request should contain:
- link to JIRA Ticket(s),
- WIP Checklist,
- the Why, How, and What, as well as
- having Reviewers assigned once ready.
A Pull Request can only be merged when at least one reviewer approved the change. A Pull Request should not stay In Review for more than one week.
We don’t use Github Issue or Github Project since it should more or less be covered by JIRA.
Continuous Integration and Deployment — with Github, Travis, Marathon, and Slack
We release our changes typically once a day.
A release can be done by any engineer in the team simply by using Github’s Release interface:
Marathon dashboard was setup to keep track of deployment process and sometimes, for applications health check
We also use Slack to automatically notify the team that a new deployment was successfully done, as new changes are now live on production:
In general, software release is usually a complicated, multi-step process, that is quite prone to errors sometimes. We believe it should be automated with minimal human supervision, thus we spent a good amount of engineering time to polish the process in such a way that it can be as transparent, and easily done as possible, by every engineer in the team.
If you are more interested in this topic, the whole process looks like this:
- We rarely do meetings, especially for data engineers and scientists.
- We have a weekly casual sync-up, that is used mostly for team updates and technical sharing among the members.
- We also have weekly 1–1 meetings between team manager and each member, which usually happens during coffee breaks.
Final thoughts
- Every process and workflow is as good as how well people follow it. The more complicated it is, the harder it will get adopted and properly followed as the team grows bigger.
- It would be wise to invest more in time and communication as early as the team was formed. Make decisions as a team, and follow through with every question and scenario as much as you can think of. Because ultimately, it will help the team move faster with less communication overhead later on.
- At the same time, flexibility is important as the team grows, the business evolves, and sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances. Decision should be carefully made when the current process does not work out well anymore. There should always be a balance between extending legacy tools and implementing new tools for new requirements.
PS: special thanks to Tran Anh Cuong, Maksim Golub, and Liva Paudere for helping me with this article.